Settings - Venue Settings
E-mail address The administrator's email address is used to send service messages, invoices or copies (bcc) of emails to customers SMS name By default, SMS messages are sent with Lookgood as the sender, enter your own short name of no more than 11 characters and do not use special characters Use this salon for invoices If you want to put the invoice for your monthly subscription that you receive from in the name of this location or salon, please enable this option Additional Work This is a field in a booking where you can enter an amount for work that is not on the price list (a freely selectable amount), because this is not linked to a treatment from the price list, the VAT percentage to be applied must be specified separately Choose VAT percentages... to enter a VAT percentage yourself, or choose High or Low to automatically set the high or low VAT percentage. of the country of residence Bookings If you do not have any employees, turn on Salon is Employee to be able to make or receive bookings, this is like a virtual employee called Salon who can also do all treatments Automatic No-Shows When this option is selected, checks if the customer is there on time. Otherwise, the system contacts the customer (email, text, push) to ask where he or she is, the booking is automatically set to the No-Show status Time blocks are determined by the treatments, but you can choose to divide the Agenda Time blocks per hour, half hour, per 15 minutes, etc. With the Booking Time blocks you can determine whether you want to receive bookings per hour, half hour, per 15 minutes, etc. With Accept Online Bookings you can set after how much time from now on you want to receive online bookings, Real Time means that someone can book before the current time, at least if you are open now, set this up 3 hours then someone can book for a time that is at least 3 later than now See the separate explanation for Help at the bottom of the sections Online Payments and Employee Registration Team Members Experience Levels Names If you work with different experience levels from little to very experienced and likewise prices and times as is often the case with hairdressers, you can enter names for those levels for this salon here, the name ranges from not (Junior) to very experienced (Master), Stylist is the standard level